Vishaal B. Bhuyan (born April 16, 1983 in Norristown, PA) is the managing director of financial advisory firm VB Bhuyan & Co.[1] and a financial author.
Bhuyan's primary focus is on longevity/mortality risk. Bhuyan is the editor and co-author of Life Markets: Trading Longevity & Mortality Risk with Life Settlements & Linked Securities and Reverse Mortgages & Linked Securities: A Guide to Risk, Pricing & Regulation, as well as the forthcoming The Esoteric Investor.
Life Markets, his first publication, was the first text covering the "life-linked" asset class (including viatical settlements and the risks of longer lives to pension and Social Security funds and reinsurance companies).
Bhuyan attended The Shipley School[2] in Bryn Mawr, PA and graduated from The University of Pennsylvania in 2005 with a degree in history and sociology.[3]